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Virtual Technology Review

Virtual technology is a brand new area of research with an array of applications and domains. VR is not without its limitations and obstacles that must be overcome in order to continue to develop and advance. These include www.iptech.one/sega-genesis-mini-hack/ technological limits which cause users to feel uncomfortable or ill when using VR headsets, the discomfort or illness that can be experienced by users using a VR headset, the difficulty of accessing of VR because of the high cost and associated hardware and software, as well as technical issues, such as the absence of standardization and compatibility among different devices.

VR can be used to learn through experiences that are difficult or dangerous in real life. For instance, a fear of flight or exposure to a traumatizing situation. This is especially beneficial for mental health treatment like PTSD, where VR can help patients to deal with these issues in a secure setting.

VR is also able to enhance professional training by allowing athletes to train from anywhere in the world without the need to travel to a particular training facility. This can be especially beneficial in the development of perceptual-cognitive abilities, such as motor or spatial skills.

However, there is an enormous amount of work to be accomplished in the areas of theory, methodology, and the practice of teaching. Particularly there is a need to understand how the diverse technology and immersive features of VR interact with learning outcomes in different professional training contexts. A comprehensive literature review on this subject can aid in the selection of strategic resources, by identifying the features of VR that are essential to different types of skill-training.

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